What do we do?
The Reef Citizen Science Alliance is a network that fosters collaboration, capacity building, advancement and action for citizen science that benefits Queensland's Reefs.
Our Vision for the future is a resilient reefs supported by a network of sustainable, collaborative and innovative citizen science programs.
The Alliance aims to support:
Collaboration |
Enhancing the network between citizen science groups and with other stakeholders across the Reef |
Capacity Building | Providing tools, training and resources for citizen science practioners |
Advancement | Promoting and raising the credibility of coastal and marine citizen science |
Action |
Using citizen science to strengthen the impact of local communities in monitoring, protecting, managing and sustainably using the Reef |
Queensland's reefs and associated coastal and marine habitats host a rich and diverse environment that continually challenges science to unravel its mysteries. Citizen science is gaining recognition as a means for public collection of valuable scientific information that can improve reef management outcomes. Numerous citizen science organisations actively engage community members in scientific research across the Reef's catchments and on the Reef. These programs engage communities in collecting, understanding and applying scientific information from coast to coral.
In 2012, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation funded a Reef Citizen Science Scoping Study. This identified the desire for greater exposure, engagement, and collaboration between citizen science groups and citizen science stakeholders. The Alliance evolved as a response to this study, with the goal to support coastal and marine citizen science providers to work together with researchers, Reef managers and the community to tackle key Reef issues.
For three years, the Alliance was hosted by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, with support from corporate partner Boeing. The Foundation supported members to develop a strategic framework for a network that faciltiates collaborative citizen science projects and strengthens connections with key stakeholders. From 1 July 2017, the Alliance has moved to new long-term host Conservation Volunteers Australia, in connection with their One Reef program to continue building on this legacy of amplifying the amazing work delivered by citizen science across the Reef.
Contact Us
To find out more about the Reef Citizen Science Alliance please contact us.