The Great Barrier Reef Citizen Science Alliance has released its new website.

This site is a central hub for the community to discover and become involved in citizen science projects around the Great Barrier Reef

Citizen Science is the active involvement of the wider community in scientific research.  There are many different Citizen Science organisations operating in and around the Reef, studying topics from mangroves to manta rays. A recent scoping study, funded by The Great Barrier Reef Foundation, indicated a need for greater support and collaboration between citizen science groups. In response, the Foundation, in conjunction with a grant from Boeing Australia, has established a Reef Citizen Science Alliance.  The Alliance aims to raise the profile of citizen science, optimise use of citizen science data, and enhance education of the environmental important of the Reef. 

Citizen Science generates a range of benefits for science, communities and the Reef. Citizen science projects contribute to diverse education initiatives, sharing the passion for science and our unique reef environments.  Citizen Science also provides a great way for communities to work together to monitor and manage their local environment.

There are currently five citizen science groups in the Alliance: CoralWatch (The University of Queensland), Eye on the Reef (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority), MangroveWatch, Reef Check Australia, and Tangaroa Blue Foundation.   Other Citizen Science groups operating in the Reef are welcome to join this growing network.  The Alliance provides training, access to resources, and event support.

Reef Brief is the newsletter for the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. Access the Reef Brief, June 2014 here

Greg Young