Healthy Waterways

Healthy Waterways is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working with our members from government, industry and the community to protect and improve our waterways

The waterways of South East Queensland are an integral part of our lifestyle and economy. With a rapidly growing population and increasingly unpredictable climate, our waterways are under increasing pressure from threats such as soil erosion, stormwater run-off, litter and land clearing.

Healthy Waterways is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to protect and improve our waterways. Together with our members from government, industry and the community we have one clear vision to achieve healthy waterways for a healthy economy.

Healthy Waterways works to understand and communicate the condition of the waterways to drive and influence future targets, policy and actions. We monitor and report on waterway health, educate people on the value of our waterways and support reforms to policy and planning where it will benefit our waterways.

We all have a role to play in protecting our waterways to safeguard the future of our environment, economy and community. Get involved with Healthy Waterways today and together, we can make a difference.

Get in touch via our website or Facebook.

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