In an effort to maximise benefits and reduce duplication, Alliance members had an opportunity to undertake a project that helped advance their program objectives, while also providing constructive resources for other members. Projects included:

  • CoralWatch helped to unite Reef citizen science organisations to produce a an infographic and informational flyer about coral bleaching that showcased 3 reef citizen science projects (CoralWatch, Eye on the Reef, Reef Check Australia). The project also produced CoralWatch health charts that can be provided free of charge to Alliance members to utilse in their programs.

  • Tangaroa Blue Foundation conducted an Organisational Health Check. The project engaged professional services in legal and workplace requirements to review organisational operations, ensure compliance, and create a check list of these requirements to assist other organisations to do their own reviews. 

  • Reef Check Australia undertook a review of online donations platforms to document criteria such as functionality, cost, integration and customisation. Financial security is a challenge for many grassroots citizen science groups and this project was designed to provide a shared assessment matrix of online fundraising platforms, consolidate resources about donor management, and share a case study on learnings.

  • Fitzroy Partnership for River Health is leading a project to develop a supplementary reporting page to share relevant Reef Check Australia data citizen science data that is complimentary to information provided in the annual Fitzroy Basin Report Card. This project will provide an example of locally-relevant citizen science information to complement Marien Monitoring Program data and explore alignment of data for Report Card indicators.

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Greg Young